By Pam Anderson, DNM, RN, AHNA, CNHP
Since I’ve written last week’s article on the Glycemic Index, the LORD has been dealing with me to delve further with you, Beloved Reader, regarding healthier life-styles. Don’t shut me down yet, Beloved Reader! You won’t hear the old, nagging criticisms of the past…you won’t hear the old “will power” lectures…you will not leave this series feeling condemned. If you stay with me until the end of this series, you will have gained greater insight into positive life-style changes…you will receive “tools” that will “walk” you through the life-style changes you may aspire to implement…you will be empowered through our Precious Holy Spirit to achieve those life-style changes!
Our loving Heavenly Father desires so much for you, Beloved Reader. He yearns for you to prosper and to be healthy in your mind/emotions (soul) and in your body (3 John 1:2). His Word says that He knew you before He laid the foundation of this world (Eph 1:4-6). In Psalm 139:13-16, our loving God makes known it was He who knit you together in your mother’s womb. His Word reveals His desires for you are excellent, too immense for you to number (139:17). And, in His Word, He discloses that His plans for you are good, to give you a future filled with hope (Jeremiah 29:11). Beloved Reader, if our Precious LORD has such noble designs for you and me, He will enable us to achieve those things! Be encouraged, Beloved Reader! Today is a new day in our Precious LORD! The past is in the past, it needn’t step on the heels of your present. In Romans 12:2, your foundation for life-long change is established by the “renewing” of your mind. That is, changing the way you think – thinking as your Precious LORD thinks – will empower you to change old habits and life-styles! Today, Beloved Reader, let’s begin this journey towards health together…you, me and our Precious LORD!
Digestion – The End Result:
The CDC (Center for Disease Control), offers these stats (2006):
· The number of visits to office-based physicians with diseases of the digestive system as the primary diagnosis was: 35.9 million in 2006!
· The number of visits to hospital outpatient departments with diseases of the digestive system as the primary diagnosis was: 3.2million in 2006!
· The number of visits to emergency departments with disease of the digestive system as the primary diagnosis was: 7.2million in 2006!
Can you imagine what those stats for 2008 will be when they are compiled? I don’t know about you, Beloved Reader; but, I don’t want to end up as one of the CDC’s statistics! Therefore, it is critical for you and me to have a better understanding of digestion and its impact upon our health…or lack thereof.
Simply stated, digestion is the mechanical and chemical breaking down of food so it can be absorbed. Anything that is placed in the mouth such as: bread, meat, and vegetables, to nutritional supplements or even medications, are not in a form that the body can use. Each must be changed into smaller molecules before they can be absorbed into the blood and carried to cells throughout the body. Digestion is the process by which these are broken down into their smallest parts so the body can use. Digestion begins in the mouth, when you chew and swallow, and is completed in the small intestine where absorption occurs.
The Digestive System:
The digestive system is made up of the digestive tract—a series of hollow organs joined in a long, twisting tube from the mouth to the anus—and other organs that help the body break down and absorb food (see figure).
Organs that make up the digestive tract are the mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine (colon), rectum and anus. The mucosa (lining) of these organs contains glands that produce digestive “juices” that aid digestion. These are released when the correct hormonal influences are received from the brain. The liver and the pancreas also play a vital role in digestion. Each produces digestive “juices” to aid with and in food absorption. The gallbladder’s role is to store bile made by the liver. Only when needed will the gallbladder release the bile. The nervous system, the circulatory system, the endocrine system, the skeletal system and the lymph/immune system all contribute to the overall digestive process.
Tips for Better Digestion:
We can aid our digestive process by observing these tips:
1. Digestibility:
a. Different foods digest at different rates. Eat first those that are faster to digest. Observe the time sequences for different foods below:
i. Water and juices = 20-30 minutes
ii. Fruits, Smoothies, Soups = 30-45 minutes
iii. Vegetables = 30-45 minutes
iv. Beans, grains, starches = 2-3 hours
v. Meat, fish, poultry = 3 or more hours
2. Healthy Eating Pattern:
b. Eat smaller portions more frequently during the day.
i. Smaller “meals” are easier to digest and utilize than the traditional three daily meals.
c. Portion matters.
i. Your stomach is approximately 10-20 minutes behind your brain. Stop eating before you feel full – within in 10-20 minutes, you’ll be glad you did!
d. Drink warm or hot liquids with your meal.
i. Ice-cold drinks slow down the digestive process
e. Chew food well.
f. Relax while eating.
g. Practice good posture – not just while eating!
h. Avoid late night eating.
i. It is best for digestion if you avoid eating 2-3 hours before bed.
3. Glycemic Index Foods:
a. Low GI foods are slower to digest…thus, you will fill fuller & more satisfied longer
b. Low GI foods keep insulin levels low which reduces fat formation and assists in converting stored fat back into usable energy
4. Proper Food Combining:
a. Aids in preventing digestive upset such as indigestion and flatulence
b. When combining food properly, all seven food groups will be balanced
i. Proteins
ii. Starch
iii. Sugars
iv. Fats
v. Fruits
1. Alkaline and Acidic
vi. Vegetables
vii. Non-Starchy Vegetables
5. Good Posture and Exercise:
a. Practice good posture – not just while eating!
b. Increasing physical activity such as a light walk after eating will aid in jump-starting the digestive process.
c. Spinal twist exercise after eating will help! In a sitting position, turn slowly to the right, allow the left hand to rest on left thigh, right arm at hanging loosely at right side, should slightly back, hold that position while taking 5 deep breaths. Repeat the process for the left side. Repeat once more for each side, beginning with right side.
The space for Part 2 is spent. Next week, we’ll continue with Part 3 of Eating Well…Feeling Satisfied…And Losing Weight!*
*Warning: Before starting any new health program whether it concerns diet or exercise, please check with the healthcare provider of your choice before starting.
Pam Anderson has earned the credentials of Doctor of Naturopathic Ministry and has actively worked in the field of nursing as a Registered Nurse for 31 years. She is also an Ordained Minister. Pam sees her role as a teacher or consultant. She believes in the body’s innate, God-given, natural ability to heal itself when given an appropriate internal and external environment. Her years of experience in the ministry, medicine, and natural health field enables her to counsel individuals, couples and/or families on the principles for life, health and wellness of body, mind (soul) and spirit as established in God’s Word. Pam and her husband, Ron Anderson, operate several natural health clinics. They travel the country as motivational speakers sharing their knowledge of Biblical principles for life, health and wellness. They have been married for 37 years.
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