Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Part 2 of Eating Well…Feeling Satisfied…And Losing Weight!*

By Pam Anderson, DNM, RN, AHNA, CNHP

Since I’ve written last week’s article on the Glycemic Index, the LORD has been dealing with me to delve further with you, Beloved Reader, regarding healthier life-styles. Don’t shut me down yet, Beloved Reader! You won’t hear the old, nagging criticisms of the past…you won’t hear the old “will power” lectures…you will not leave this series feeling condemned. If you stay with me until the end of this series, you will have gained greater insight into positive life-style changes…you will receive “tools” that will “walk” you through the life-style changes you may aspire to implement…you will be empowered through our Precious Holy Spirit to achieve those life-style changes!

Our loving Heavenly Father desires so much for you, Beloved Reader. He yearns for you to prosper and to be healthy in your mind/emotions (soul) and in your body (3 John 1:2). His Word says that He knew you before He laid the foundation of this world (Eph 1:4-6). In Psalm 139:13-16, our loving God makes known it was He who knit you together in your mother’s womb. His Word reveals His desires for you are excellent, too immense for you to number (139:17). And, in His Word, He discloses that His plans for you are good, to give you a future filled with hope (Jeremiah 29:11). Beloved Reader, if our Precious LORD has such noble designs for you and me, He will enable us to achieve those things! Be encouraged, Beloved Reader! Today is a new day in our Precious LORD! The past is in the past, it needn’t step on the heels of your present. In Romans 12:2, your foundation for life-long change is established by the “renewing” of your mind. That is, changing the way you think – thinking as your Precious LORD thinks – will empower you to change old habits and life-styles! Today, Beloved Reader, let’s begin this journey towards health together…you, me and our Precious LORD!

Digestion – The End Result:

The CDC (Center for Disease Control), offers these stats (2006):

· The number of visits to office-based physicians with diseases of the digestive system as the primary diagnosis was: 35.9 million in 2006!

· The number of visits to hospital outpatient departments with diseases of the digestive system as the primary diagnosis was: 3.2million in 2006!

· The number of visits to emergency departments with disease of the digestive system as the primary diagnosis was: 7.2million in 2006!

Can you imagine what those stats for 2008 will be when they are compiled? I don’t know about you, Beloved Reader; but, I don’t want to end up as one of the CDC’s statistics! Therefore, it is critical for you and me to have a better understanding of digestion and its impact upon our health…or lack thereof.

Simply stated, digestion is the mechanical and chemical breaking down of food so it can be absorbed. Anything that is placed in the mouth such as: bread, meat, and vegetables, to nutritional supplements or even medications, are not in a form that the body can use. Each must be changed into smaller molecules before they can be absorbed into the blood and carried to cells throughout the body. Digestion is the process by which these are broken down into their smallest parts so the body can use. Digestion begins in the mouth, when you chew and swallow, and is completed in the small intestine where absorption occurs.

The Digestive System:

The digestive system is made up of the digestive tract—a series of hollow organs joined in a long, twisting tube from the mouth to the anus—and other organs that help the body break down and absorb food (see figure).

Organs that make up the digestive tract are the mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine (colon), rectum and anus. The mucosa (lining) of these organs contains glands that produce digestive “juices” that aid digestion. These are released when the correct hormonal influences are received from the brain. The liver and the pancreas also play a vital role in digestion. Each produces digestive “juices” to aid with and in food absorption. The gallbladder’s role is to store bile made by the liver. Only when needed will the gallbladder release the bile. The nervous system, the circulatory system, the endocrine system, the skeletal system and the lymph/immune system all contribute to the overall digestive process.

Tips for Better Digestion:

We can aid our digestive process by observing these tips:

1. Digestibility:

a. Different foods digest at different rates. Eat first those that are faster to digest. Observe the time sequences for different foods below:

i. Water and juices = 20-30 minutes

ii. Fruits, Smoothies, Soups = 30-45 minutes

iii. Vegetables = 30-45 minutes

iv. Beans, grains, starches = 2-3 hours

v. Meat, fish, poultry = 3 or more hours

2. Healthy Eating Pattern:


b. Eat smaller portions more frequently during the day.

i. Smaller “meals” are easier to digest and utilize than the traditional three daily meals.

c. Portion matters.

i. Your stomach is approximately 10-20 minutes behind your brain. Stop eating before you feel full – within in 10-20 minutes, you’ll be glad you did!

d. Drink warm or hot liquids with your meal.

i. Ice-cold drinks slow down the digestive process

e. Chew food well.

f. Relax while eating.

g. Practice good posture – not just while eating!

h. Avoid late night eating.

i. It is best for digestion if you avoid eating 2-3 hours before bed.

3. Glycemic Index Foods:

a. Low GI foods are slower to digest…thus, you will fill fuller & more satisfied longer

b. Low GI foods keep insulin levels low which reduces fat formation and assists in converting stored fat back into usable energy

4. Proper Food Combining:

a. Aids in preventing digestive upset such as indigestion and flatulence

b. When combining food properly, all seven food groups will be balanced

i. Proteins

ii. Starch

iii. Sugars

iv. Fats

v. Fruits

1. Alkaline and Acidic

vi. Vegetables

vii. Non-Starchy Vegetables

5. Good Posture and Exercise:

a. Practice good posture – not just while eating!

b. Increasing physical activity such as a light walk after eating will aid in jump-starting the digestive process.

c. Spinal twist exercise after eating will help! In a sitting position, turn slowly to the right, allow the left hand to rest on left thigh, right arm at hanging loosely at right side, should slightly back, hold that position while taking 5 deep breaths. Repeat the process for the left side. Repeat once more for each side, beginning with right side.

The space for Part 2 is spent. Next week, we’ll continue with Part 3 of Eating Well…Feeling Satisfied…And Losing Weight!*

Remember, it’s your health…your life…live responsibly!

*Warning: Before starting any new health program whether it concerns diet or exercise, please check with the healthcare provider of your choice before starting.

Pam Anderson has earned the credentials of Doctor of Naturopathic Ministry and has actively worked in the field of nursing as a Registered Nurse for 31 years. She is also an Ordained Minister. Pam sees her role as a teacher or consultant. She believes in the body’s innate, God-given, natural ability to heal itself when given an appropriate internal and external environment. Her years of experience in the ministry, medicine, and natural health field enables her to counsel individuals, couples and/or families on the principles for life, health and wellness of body, mind (soul) and spirit as established in God’s Word. Pam and her husband, Ron Anderson, operate several natural health clinics. They travel the country as motivational speakers sharing their knowledge of Biblical principles for life, health and wellness. They have been married for 37 years.

For more information on Pam, natural health alternatives, integrative medicine and/or to receive her free newsletter, please visit: www.newhorizonsnaturalhealthcare.com

Friday, March 26, 2010

Eating Well…Feeling Satisfied…And Losing Weight…What?! Tell Me More!

For those who have struggled with weight issues…have tried diets and failed…for those who do not feel “satisfied” after eating…please, read this article! You are not alone. There is help. You can lose weight and still feel satisfied at the same time! How? Read on!

The Glycemic Index:
The Glycemic Index (GI) is the easiest, most satisfying eating plan possible. The GI eating plan adjusts for personal preferences and lifestyles and helps achieve goals for blood glucose, cholesterol and triglycerides levels, blood pressure, and weight management. There is no counting calories or jeopardizing your health* when using the GI as a guide to healthier eating.

WOW! Tell me more!
What Is The Glycemic Index?
The Glycemic Index (GI) is a numerical ranking of carbohydrates based on how they compare to a reference food—either glucose or white bread. The GI uses a scale of 0-100, with higher values given to foods that cause the most rapid rise in blood sugar. Low GI foods have a ranking of 55 or less, medium GI foods will have a ranking of 56-69 and high GI foods will be ranked 69-100. Meats and fats do not contain carbohydrates; therefore, they do not have a GI ranking.

What Affects The GI Of A Food?
Fats and fiber tend to lower the GI of a food. As a general rule, the more cooked or processed a food, the higher the GI; however, as with all rules, this is not always true. Below are a few specific examples of other factors that can affect the GI of a food:
Ripeness and storage time – the more ripe a fruit or vegetable is, the higher the GI
Processing – juice has a higher GI than whole fruit; mashed potato has a higher GI than a whole baked potato, stone ground whole wheat bread has a lower GI than whole wheat bread.
Cooking method: how long a food is cooked (al dente pasta has a lower GI than soft-cooked pasta)
Variety: converted long-grain white rice has a lower GI than brown rice; but, short-grain white rice has a higher GI than brown rice.

Other things to consider if using the GI:
The GI value represents the type of carbohydrate in a food; but, says nothing about the amount of carbohydrate typically eaten. Portion sizes are still relevant for managing blood glucose and for losing or maintaining weight.
The GI of a food is different when eaten alone than it is when combined with other foods. When eating a high GI food, you can combine it with other low GI foods to balance out the effect on blood glucose levels.
Many nutritious foods have a higher GI than foods with little nutritional value. For example, oatmeal has a higher GI than chocolate. Use of the GI needs to be balanced with basic nutrition principles of variety for healthful foods and moderation of foods with few nutrients.

Why Is The GI Important?
Research has shown when blood sugars are kept constant, the body performs better and there is less stress to its systems. If the blood sugar drops too low, a person may become listless and/or experience increased hunger. If the blood sugar goes too high, the brain signals the pancreas to secrete more insulin. Insulin brings the blood sugar down primarily by converting the excess sugar to stored fat. And, the greater the rise of blood sugar, the more chance that your body will release an excess amount of insulin; thus, driving your blood sugar down too low. The goal behind GI is simple: minimize insulin-related problems by identifying and avoiding food that have the greatest effect on blood sugar.

GI Offers Healthy Eating For A Life-Time:
The GI eating plan allows you to adjust it to fit your personal preferences and lifestyle. It is a guide. It does not require eating only low GI foods. While you will benefit from eating low GI foods at each meal, this is not to the exclusion of all others. In fact, when following the GI eating plan, there is an unexpected benefit called the “second meal effect.” This benefit works in this manner: The effect of a low GI food will carry over to the next meal, reducing its glycemic impact. This applies to breakfast eaten after a low GI dinner the night before or to a lunch eaten after a low GI breakfast. Rule of thumb: Balance is the name-of-the-game…make it a goal to have at least one low GI food per meal! So, enjoy baking your own bread or eating the occasional treat. If you combine high GI bakery items with protein food and low GI foods, such as fruit or legumes, the overall GI value will be medium.

Sample GI Chart:
· Low: Green leafy vegetables, broccoli, tomatoes, onions, mushrooms, and most other veggies are low GI foods.
· High: White potatoes and parsnips are two of the few high GI veggies
· Low: Pasta, pumpernickel and rye bread, barley, steel cut oats, all bran cereal
· Medium: Brown rice (steamed), wild rice, buckwheat, old-fashioned oatmeal, tortillas
· High: White flour, most breads, most cold cereals, grits
· Low: Lentils, garbanzos, pintos and black beans
· Medium: Soymilk, baked beans
· Low: Apple, grapefruit, strawberries, peach, orange
· Medium: Banana, grapes, cantaloupe, mango, kiwi
· High: Fruit juices, canned fruits

There are many books about GI available on the market today. Pick one up. Become more familiar with the ranking system. You can be…and will be…the healthy person you desire to be! Remember, it’s your health…your life…live responsibly!

*Warning: Before starting any new health program whether it concerns diet or exercise, please check with the healthcare provider of your choice before starting.

Pam Anderson has earned the credentials of Doctor of Naturopathic Ministry and has actively worked in the field of nursing as a Registered Nurse for 31 years. She is also an Ordained Minister. Pam sees her role as a teacher or consultant. She believes in the body’s innate, God-given, natural ability to heal itself when given an appropriate internal and external environment. Her years of experience in the ministry, medicine, and natural health field enables her to counsel individuals, couples and/or families on the principles for life, health and wellness of body, mind (soul) and spirit as established in God’s Word. Pam, along with her husband, Ron Anderson, operates several natural health clinics. They travel the country as motivational speakers sharing their knowledge of Biblical principles for life, health and wellness. They have been married for 37 years.
For more information on Pam, natural health alternatives, integrative medicine and/or to receive her free newsletter, please visit: www.newhorizonsnaturalhealthcare.com.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Natural Alternatives

New Horizons Natural Healthcare offers high-quality affordable natural healthcare alternatives. To learn more, visit our product pages at www.newhorizonsnaturalhealthcare.com.

PowerUP Conference

Exciting News! Drs. Ron and Pam Anderson have been invited to speak at the 2nd Annual PowerUP Conference in Tahlequah, Ok on the 14th, 15th, and 16th of May. Both Drs. will speak on topics of natural health on Saturday the 15th. For more information, visit the PowerUP website at www.powerupconference.com.

The Conference is free and open to the public. Workshops all day Saturday. Numerous workshops and speakers available. See you there!


Welcome to New Horizons Natural Healthcare's new blogspot! Follow us to learn valuable knowledge that will help you lead a healthy and happy life--physically, mentally and spiritually. Visit our website at www.newhorizonsnaturalhealthcare.com .

Satan Wants Us Sick

In order to understand the statement, “Satan Wants Us Sick”, we have to understandthe complexity of ideas and the mind. Ideas can produce responses in the body. A person is embarrassed and blushes in response. Embarrassment is purely an emotion, but it produced a physical result. Consider the powerful emotion of fear. Ina frightening experience, the emotional and physical responses occur. First, the situation may or may not be real; i.e. response to a rubber snake may be the same as though it were a real snake; however, before a “rational” determination can be made whether the snake is realor not, the emotion of fear is experienced and then physical effects such as becoming pale, rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, and crying out may occur. Why did the emotions such as embarrassment and fear produce physical responses? The answer lies in the “Law of Belief.” (There are 10 Laws of Belief which will be discussed at a later date.) We believed those situations to be real and therefore responded physically to it. Try the “lemon trick.” Watch someone eat a lemon, what is your physical response? More than likely you will begin to salivate and feel your mouth pucker because of the belief system that the lemon is sour! You are not eating the lemon; however, your body responds to the idea of eating the lemon as though you were. Satan deceives God’s children with similar “tricks;” but he uses the “Law of Deception.” He deceives us into accepting his thoughts as our own. Of course, we still have to approve them. But that task isn’t as hard as most Christians suspect.

Satan’s “big edge” is our emotions and our responses to those emotions. At some time, you have probably heard this phrase, “I’m worried sick about…” Well, they are correct in putting worry and sickness together. Worry is an emotional response to something that hasn’t yet happened. It doesn’t have to be true at all. It can be entirely false and yet the person agonizes as though it were. Worry is one of Satan’s favorite devices. Satan may feed destructive thoughts into our minds; but, his suggestions by themselves cannot make us sick! It takes our cooperation. Too often, though, we accept them as our own and then we feed those thoughts. Why? The devil times the planting of his ideas to coincide with distressing circumstances and events. So perfectly do His suggestions fit the situation that we go along with them instinctively. All that is necessary is for us to believe these thoughts as “truth.” Whatever the mind accepts as “truth,” will have an affect on the body.

You may ask, “Can born-again people really have the kind of emotions/thoughts that will make them sick?” Absolutely. Many sincere Christians work hard to free themselves from carnal activities; but, they are wide open to carnal emotions.They share how the Lord delivered them from addictions, stealing, lying, etc; but, they say nothing about ceasing toworry, banishing fears, and living free of anxiety.

by C.S. Lovett

Breast Cancer--Cutting the Risk

According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control), aside from non-melanoma skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in women. Breast cancer is the number one cause of cancer death in Hispanic women. It is the second most common cause of cancer death in white, black, Asian/Pacific Islander, and American Indian/Alaska Native women.

In 2005, (the most recent year numbers are available), 186,467 women and 1,764 men were diagnosed withbreast cancer. In that same year, 41,116 women and 375 men died from breast cancer.Are you at risk of developing breast cancer? Synthetic estrogens can place women (and men) at greater risk for developing breast cancer by increasing their estrogen levels hundreds of times. Studies indicate a clear connection between HRT (hormone replacement therapy) and breast cancer.

A 2002 study shows women taking HRT for just 5 years had a 40% greater risk of developing breast cancer. Another study indicated that long-term HRT may increase the risk of one of the most dangerous types of breast cancer as much as 85%. Women who inherit the BRCA 1 or BRCA 2 gene have up to 85% chance of developing the disease. Breast cancer or prostate cancer in a woman’s father’s family doubles her risk. The greatest rise in breast cancer occurred after World War II, an era that ushered in massive amounts of newchemicals, processed foods, and drugs like super strong antibiotics and hormone therapy. Public awarenessregarding common synthetic estrogens has increased over the past few years. To name a few, commonsynthetic estrogens can be found in every day items such as: pesticides, household chemicals, commonplastics.

The mammogram debate: Early detection can mean less radical medical intervention, but it is not prevention.The scientific community still debates whether or not death rates from breast cancer are reduced at all by mammograms in women under 50. A study reported in the National Cancer Institute Journal indicated that false positives occurred 16% of the time. Other research indicates mammograms can miss cancer 15% of the time. And other studies indicate that by the time a tumor reaches detectable size, it may have been growing for 10 years or longer.

Is there an alternative to mammograms? Thermography is an effective alternative to mammograms. In 1982, theFDA approved thermography as a highly advanced health scanning technique that offers the benefits of breast cancerscreening with the drawbacks of mammogram radiation. For women who refuse mammograms due to the healthrisks associated with them, thermography offers a safe alternative.

Signs/Symptoms of Breast Cancer: Nipple discharge or scaly skin patches around nipples or nipple retraction;breast lumps, especially firm lumps with poorly defined edges that don’t move when touched or don’t change duringyour cycle, often along with breast skin irritation or dimpling; change in breast texture or color; unusual enlargementof armpit lymph nodes; any breast changes not related to cycle; chronic swollen sores around mouth, gumsor jaw; unexplained severe morning nausea; hypothyroidism is regularly involved in breast cancer.

Recommendations: Each person has been uniquely created by God (Ps. 139:13). Therefore, it is important toevaluate each person individually. To offer “blanket” recommendations would be irresponsible of Ron or me.

It is your God-given and Constitutional right to choose the treatment plan that is best for you. Ron and I respect yourright of choice in health matters. At the close of your appointment with either of us, we will frankly discuss anypossible health concerns. We will remind you of the treatment options available to you. Those options include: natural; medical; or combination of both natural and medical. Whichever treatment plan you choose, Ron and I will besupportive of you in that choice.

Prostate Cancer--Cutting the Risk

Cancer occurs when the immune system weakens, allowing abnormal cells to grow out of control.
Cancers are usually named according to the part of the body in which they occur. Prostate cancer isthe result of abnormal cell growth within the prostate. In 2005 (most recent dates available from theCenter for Disease Control), 185,895 men developed prostate cancer and 28,905 men died from prostate cancer. In the U.S., prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men of all races.

What is the prostate? The prostate is part of the male reproductive system. It is located behind thebladder and in front of the rectum. It’s approximately the size of a walnut and the urethra (tube thatempties urine from the bladder) passes through it. As men age, the prostate increases in size (BenignProstate Hyperplasia) resulting in the narrowing of the urethra, decreasing urine flow. What are the risk factors for prostate cancer? Researchers are not in agreement to which factors may cause prostate cancer. Some of those most agreed upon are: (1) Age. The older a man is, the more likely to develop prostate cancer...(2) Genetics. Though no gene is known to raise or lower prostate cancer risk, a man whose father, brother or son develops prostate cancer is 2-3 times more likely to develop it himself...(3) Race. Prostate cancer is more common in some racial and ethnic groups; however, the reason for this is unknown.

What is prostate screening? Prostate screening means looking for cancer before symptoms occur. There is disagreement within the medical profession whether or not screening is effective. Currently, there is not enough evidence to decide if the potential benefits of prostate cancer screening outweigh the potential risks. The two tests most commonly used are the Digital Rectal Exam (DRE) and the Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA). DRE is performed manually by a doctor or nurse. PSA is a blood test. As a rule, the higher the PSA count, the more likely a prostate problem exists—it is not necessarily indicative of a cancerous condition. There are many factors which can increase PSA counts: age (as men age, certain medical procedures, an enlarged prostate (BPH) and prostatitis (infection of the prostate) to name a few. As mentioned, there is much disagreement within the scientific community whether or not screening is effective. Statistically, if 100 men over the age of 50 take the PSA test, and 85 have normal test results, a small percentage of those 85 will have a cancer that was missed or undetected by the PSA test. The remaining 15 will have a higher than normal PSA, resulting in further testing. After further testing, only 3 of the 15 will be diagnosed with prostate cancer.

What are my treatment options? As with screening, the medical community is in disagreement regarding which treatment method is most effective. Surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, high-intensity focused ultrasound and hormone therapy are a few of the possible treatments available. However, active surveillance (watchful waiting)—close monitoring of the cancer and treating it only if and when it causes symptoms—may be a viable option. Active surveillance can protect against serious side effects such as urinary incontinence, impotence, free radical cascade resulting in immunological deficiencies, etc. that may occur with unnecessary treatment interventions. Complementary and alternative medicine, also known as integrative medicine, may be a viable option as well. Integrative medicine may include practices in addition to, or instead of, the usual or standard ways of treating cancer. These may include naturopathy, nutritional supplementation, herbalism, diet-based therapies, homeopathy, biofeedback, hypnosis.

What signs should I watch for? First and foremost, monthly self-exam by men over 50 should include: checking for lumps in prostate or testicles; thickening and/or fluid retention in the scrotum; persistent, unexplained back pain or pain in the pelvis or upper thighs; straining, difficult, bloody or frequent urination. These symptoms are not necessarily indicative of prostate cancer—there are other conditions such as BPH which can cause similar symptomatology. Also, if you are considering treatment for increased libido and/or impotence, consider the possibility it may stimulate prostate cancer. Live responsibly. Seek help if any of these symptoms occur. Recommendations: Each person has been uniquely created by God (Ps. 139:13). Therefore, it is important to evaluate each person individually. To offer “blanket” recommendations would be irresponsible of Ron or me.

It is your God-given and Constitutional right to choose the treatment plan that is best for you. Ron and I respect your right of choice in health matters. At the close of your appointment with either of us, we will frankly discuss any possible health concerns. We will remind you of the treatment options available to you. Those options include: natural; medical; or combination of both natural and medical (aka integrative medicine). Whichever treatment plan you choose, we will be supportive of your choice!

New Horizons Natural Healthcare Communications